How Do I Know If I Am Starving Spiritually?

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If you were starving physically, you’d feel it and see it. But how do I know if I am starving spiritually?

There would definitely be signs. Here may be a few of them:

You are relying on other people to feed you (Matthew. 4:4). You rely exclusively on someone giving you the Word, whether the weekly sermon or daily thought from a Bible app.

You are not getting revitalized by the words of Jesus (John 6:63). You are not motivated and driven when you read the words of Scripture, even if that means deep conviction.

You don’t crave the Scriptures (1 Peter 2:2). You’d rather binge watch the newest series than start studying a new book of the Bible.

You are not growing in your understanding of deeper truths (1 Corinthians 3:2). There are some truths that are simple, others that require more study. 

You are not delighting in your study of the Word (Psalm 119:103). God’s truth given to us is a delight to discover, not a laborious exercise.

You find yourself drifting in what you believe about God and His Word (Psalm 1:1-3). The Bible says when we delight in the Lord and His word we are planted.

You are not boldly, through prayer, coming to the throne of grace confidently (Hebrews 4:16).Your prayer life is sporadic and cumbersome.

You rarely share Christ, and you’re likely embarrassed to do so (Romans 1:16). The gospel is not a source of embarrassment, it’s the power of God.

You rarely think about God during the week. (Matthew 22:37). You do not really love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

I have seen many of these things in my own life at different times in my life.  I don’t want to be starving spiritually – I want to be fully nourished and flourishing in my walk with Christ.

Noticing these indicators in your life? Here’s some possible solutions: 

  • Humble your heart, and recognize you don’t have it all together (but true humility would begin to do something about that).
  • Begin to cultivate your walk with God through daily disciplines in prayer, Bible study, and Scripture memory. 
  • Have spiritual depth in your relationships with other people, where you can discuss openly victories and struggles.
  • Have regular worship with God where you meditate on His grace and forgiveness in your own life.  Bask in His incredible love for you.

Don’t delay.  Spiritual starvation results in a whole host of problems in your life.

Never had a spiritual appetite?  Read here to see what could be causing that.

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